Thursday, August 07, 2008

The power of lyrics in music

By June Beezy

Music has always been with us whether you would like to believe it or not. If you ask me, everything is music. Every pattern of song is music, it might not be the best pattern but music is all around us. It's in the morning rush when people are honking at each other and as you drive by you hear construction going on. If you can hear it, I say that it's music.

Another great thing about lyrics is everyone can get their own meaning from it. It doesn't matter what the artist is trying to say, what matters is what you are getting from the song. You know why? The reason is when the artist created that song, if the artist was a true artist, the lyrics he wrote were for him or herself.

Lyrics don't matter but great lyrics do. Sometimes if you can't remember the name of the song, you can just think of the lyrics and do a search on google and find them. Besides that obvious fact, lyrics can sometime make or break a song. Just look at how rap music got started, it wasn't the beats, it was all about the lyrics. Now the trend is a little different because now it seems like the emphasis is on the beat more rather than the lyrics.

Yes the meaning of music is globally the same, but what if you know the language of a particular culture, you seem to understand music a lot more than just a mere translated version. Every language and culture have their own flavor and the best way to experience is to learn the language. Music is music regardless of where it's coming from and music is one of the few things in the world that remind us that we are all the same human beings.

See everything only matters if you think it matters. Do good lyrics make a good beat even better? Naturally yes, but if the meaning is something you can't relate to, than it doesn't matter. Just take some of the songs out there, some people love the lyrics and some are like what the heck is that crap? See if it matters to you, than it matters.

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