Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Pick Up Artist and One Night Stands

By Vin DiCarlo

One Night Stands is the topic that I want to share with you today.

It was not until I had a couple solid pickups that I begin to really know how easy all this really could be.

Looking back, I realize now that those initial successes were the start of a major "bad belief overhaul."

I began to believe that women wanted me and wants to get in bed with me.

I also started to think of myself as an attractive, desirable guy (even though I'm far from what's typically considered good-looking).

Now about 75% of my students came to me with one main goal - they want to sleep with more women.

The other half are looking for someone special. As I've said before, I don't think these goals are mutually exclusive.

You see, if you're looking for one special girl, you're gonna have to meet a good amount of woman so you can make the best choice.

It would be impossible to meet your someone special if you don't socialize and meet with a bunch of good women.

Learning the new ways of thinking and behaving is the very common phase that a good pick-up artist goes through when he gets started. Lo and behold, he starts meeting and sleeping with a LOT OF WOMEN.

Just like a kid in a candy store, making a full advantage of his new powers!

In order for me to snap out of my old way of thinking, that period of learning is necessary so that I can start to internalize my new reality- that I can be attractive and women will sleep with me.

In order to get the ball rolling on forming new beliefs, it's important that you have a few really fast, casual sensual encounters.

I'm telling about a same day lays or a one-night stand.

Now if you've never had a one night stand, or maybe got lucky a couple of times when you were drunk, having a one-night 'stands at-will' can seem just as out-of-reach as having a great girlfriend.

But if you know what you are doing, you will find it very easy to do.

The crappy thing is, a lot of guys make it WAY too hard on themselves, and never get those initial sexual experiences that help them to really feel like a "natural."

If you're reading this, then you are interested to get BETTER with women and to MASTER THE GAME.

Mastery comes from within - it starts with a mindset, and leads to external results, which then form NEW BELIEFS in your mind.

Your new beliefs will become the foundation in building and facing the new reality in your life, you will then naturally attract many women without even thinking about it.

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