Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Story of The Blues - Origins of Blues Guitar

By Zack Roberts

The blues is a form of music that can be vocal, instrumental (blues guitar) or both. It utilises the 'blue' notes which are accomplished on a 'minor pentatonic' scale almost all the time, otherwise recognised as the blues scale.

Blues music was deducted from the African-American communities in the U.S. out of work songs, spiritual songs, field hollers, chants, shouts and elementary ballads that rhymed. A lot of facets of the blues comes from African culture

The call-and-response aspect of the music came immediately from African origins and there were a lot of riffs that would get duplicated thrice or more. This later developed into a line repeating twice and then on the third time around there would be an 'answer line'. You will be able to still discover these features of early blues in modern day music, especially hip-hop.

The term 'The Blues' refers to the 'blue devils' which signifies down spirits or sadness.

The blues guitar brings a fundamental role in blues music as well as up-to-date music. It has shaped Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Bluegrass and even Rock N' Roll enormously. The original blues of the early 1900's, differently known as "poor man's blues" was usually connected with hard times, oppression from white folk, cruelness of the police, gambling, economic depression, floods, magic, farming and dry periods. This music was fueled by a lot of brokenheartedness and anger. Not uncommonly a lost loved one or an overall hostile environment invigorated the lyrics and the tone of the blues guitar.

After the world war, you start to see blues songs that were about relationships and sex. Also, wit was widened to the mix. Here is a funny example:

"That must be your woman, cause mine don't look like that... I said That must be your woman, cause mine don't look like that... Have you seen my baby? She's so big and fat..."

The blues guitar style came forth from the American South's instruments of the time which were the banjo and the Diddley Bow. This was a home-made one stringed instrument that was favorite in the early 20th century. Figures such as Robert Johnson, Charley Patton, Son House and Blind Willie McTell were a part of the delta blues style which used a lot of finger picking techniques and slide guitar innovations.

Eventually, after WWII 'electric blues' became more and more popular where the blues guitar was played on electric guitars as were the bass guitars. This was most prevalent in the Chicago area.

The history of blues guitar and poor man's blues is rich with culture and chronicles of good times and bad. I could go on for days about the history of the blues guitar but let's make this part 1 so you don't fall asleep on me!

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