Thursday, June 05, 2008

Belly Dancing Music

By Charlie Reese

Bellydancing Music Today Incorporates Pop Culture

There are many mental images that are sure to form in your mind whenever you start thinking about what exactly belly dancing music is. Among these images you would also find yourself thinking about the sun going down behind those wonderful Pyramids of Egypt. Perhaps you would also be moved by the sounds of exciting and eclectic techno beats. You may even begin to imagine dancers wearing tribal Gothic costumes of dark shades.

Eclectic Mix of Various Styles

Belly dancing music is an eclectic mix of different styles of belly dancing. The music is definitely influenced by the pop music of Egypt as well as some amount of Latin music. Even Saidi traditional rhythms are also included with a dash of Bollywood (India's Hollywood) thrown in as well.

Thus, in case you are planning on choosing belly dancing music, it would be a good idea to select something that is inspirational and which makes you want to continue dancing. It should also reflect your personal image as well as your dancing style. Some people, however, feel comfortable in choosing belly dancing music that is more Egyptian because that is the music that traditionally has been associated with belly dancing.

You might also have come across a good example of belly dancing music in the form of Show Me by Ofra Haza that is a mix of mid-eastern pop, Saidi, as well as Beladi. Though the music may sound pretty alien to the uninitiated, it is nevertheless something that certainly helps facilitate better belly dancing.

In fact, listening to belly dancing music may even remind one of being in a nightclub. Though the music may be unfamiliar to your ears, it will nevertheless move you into performing some dance steps, even if you move by instincts rather than know the belly dance itself.

In any case, when you listen to traditional belly dancing music it will reveal its oriental influence. It is also often characterized by a lot of spontaneity. When dancing to live music, it may in fact, lead the belly dancer into following many new directions. However, modern belly dancing music has become more choreographed than the traditional forms, thus there is a subsequent lack of spontaneity.

In fact, in modern times, not the entire belly dancing being performed is actually using traditional compositions. The new influence of modern pop music seems to be changing the very texture of the belly dancing music.

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